quickstart guide

the datagenous service is a data programming environment which at is core is powered by an RDF store.

You can get started using either the web interface or?. As soon as you’ve created your repository, your endpoint is ready and accesiibale via a javascript api, or as a SPARQL or GraphQL endpoint

creating an account

To create an account follow the create account link

creating your first resource/repository

After you create your account, create a new internal resource/repository with the create->resource. There you enter:

  • resource name
  • reseource location/uri
  • define access controls
  • define terms of use
  • a narrative description of the data resource

Once you have created your repository, you can (define affordance for import). From here you can import from local files or simply input a URL. We accept Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads, RDF/JSON, RDF/XML, and RDFa encodings. The piublioc service, places limits of (?) on the size of repositories you to can create. If your projects require larger respositiores please contact us or consider an enterpise subscription.


It is possible to import data into repositories. Select the ‘import’ icon allows to import data in one of two ways: Fetch it from the web Upload a local file.

Acceptable file formats

Imports into a repository allows the following encodings:

Format Accept: header content type Extension
RDFa text/html, application/xhtml+xml html
RDF/JSON aplication/json, text/json json
N-Quads text/x-nquads nq
N-Triples text/plain nt
RDF/XML application/rdf+xml, text/rdf rdf
Trig application/x-trig trig
Turtle text/turtle, application/turtle ttl

creating your first canvas

  • open a new canvas
  • add the resource to the canvas by going to the add -> resource menu and typing in the name of the reppsotory/resource (which should autocomplete)
  • a layer or cell with the resource name appears on the canvas - select the plus icon to see the propoerties of available on that layer.
  • clicking on a popoerty will show proeview data in that layer
  • you are now ready to operate on that resource

performing operations


sparql snippet
graphql snippet


sparql snippet
graphql snippet
sparql snippet
graphql snippet
sparql snippet
graphql snippet
sparql snippet
graphql snippet


sparql snippet
graphql snippet
sparql snippet
graphql snippet
sparql snippet
graphql snippet
sparql snippet
graphql snippet

GSP crud

sharing a canvas

sharing a canvas for collaboration

publishing a canavas as an endpoint/data service

creating your first rule

creating a data map

creating a vallidation or inference rule

creating an ml model

managing service provennance and dependencies